
A student quartet from Community MusicWorks at Apple Hill

A student quartet from Community MusicWorks at Apple Hill


Apple Hill Educational Partner Organizations

Apple Hill frequently collaborates with these organizations to provide scholarships to Summer Chamber Music Workshop participants.

National Endowment for the Arts logoAl Kamandjati, Ramallah


Associated Chamber Music Players

Boston BEAM

Boston String Academy

Burncoat High (Worcester Public Schools)

Community MusicWorks, Providence, RI

NHSCALogo2024Cuban American Youth Orchestra

Cyprus Youth Symphonic Orchestra (CYSO)

Dallas Symphony Orchestra Young Strings, Dallas, TX

École de Musique Dessaix-Baptiste, Jacmel, Haiti

Hassadna Conservatory, Jerusalem

Javacya Arts, Tallahassee, Florida

King’s Academy, Jordan

Music Advancement Program, Juilliard School of Music, New York, NY

MusicMakers, Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras

OrchKids, Baltimore, MD

Soundscapes, Newport News, VA

Project STEP, Boston, MA

YES Academy, Egypt

The summer workshop is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts and the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts.



Advertising Partners

Thank you to all our advertising partners for their support. We encourage you to check out these local businesses who have supported Apple Hill in our summer concert program book. To advertise your own business, please see the sidebar (left) for more information.