Jeiran Hasan, flute

Hasan, Jeiran

Azerbaijani-American flutist Dr. Jeiran Hasan is the Assistant Professor of Flute at Utah State University. An active and versatile musician, Hasan enjoys a multi-faceted career as a flutist and educator. A sought-after master teacher and adjudicator, Jeiran has given masterclasses around the globe, on four continents and the Middle East and in numerous languages, including Azerbaijani, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic. Dr. Hasan is also a frequent presenter and clinical at flute fairs and colleges and universities across the U.S. Passionate about chamber and contemporary music in addition to orchestral playing, Dr. Hasan has performed with many professional ensembles throughout the U.S including a recent performance at Carnegie Hall as the principal flutist of the International Virtuosi Orchestra and as the Principal Flutist of Andrea Bocelli’s 2023 tour. She has also performed with the Omaha Symphony, Des Moines Symphony and Cleveland Opera Circle. She has been a fellow at some of the most prestigious summer festivals in the United States including the Hot Springs Music Festival, the National Repertory Orchestra, National Music Festival, Atlantic Music Festival Contemporary Institute, Spoleto USA, and Weekend of Chamber Music Festival. A champion for new music, she is commissioning and premiering numerous new works for flute especially by female Azerbaijani composers. In November 2019, she gave the US premiere of Anze Rozman’s “Phoenix for Flute and Orchestra” with the Knox-Galesburg Symphony (IL), of which she was principal flute. Dr. Hasan has competed in and been a prize winner or finalist in over twenty international and national competitions including the National Flute Association’s Orchestral Excerpt and Young Artist Competitions, as well as the first prize winner of the San Francisco, Kentucky, Upper Midwest, San Diego, and Atlanta Flute Association Young Artist Competitions, to name a few. Her first prize win at the Golden Classical Music Awards International Competition in 2018 resulted in her debut at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall. Jeiran is the Vice President of the Utah Flute Association where she also served as this past season’s Utah Guest Artist and Masterclass Coordinator. As a committee member of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Committee through the National Flute Association, she is the co-founder and mentor of the Young Artist Mentorship Program, which serves to provide additional career opportunities for traditionally marginalized flute students. Dr. Hasan is a LefreQue Sound Bridge performing artist and holds degrees from the University of Iowa (D.M.A.) and the Cleveland Institute of Music (MM and BM).