From the Core: The journey and musings from a 2nd violinist
By Jesse MacDonald, violin, Apple Hill String Quartet
Dearest lovely readers, I feel like we should have a nickname…should we have a nickname? I mean, we all are Apple Hill-ers, so we have that, but maybe we can be “the Core.” The Core-mind, instead of hivemind. I have no idea. This is all setting up wonderfully that I cannot wait, nay…ABSOLUTELY CANNOT […]
Dear loyal readers, As I reflect on what this blog has (or hasn’t!) become and what I had intended to do with it, and reflecting on what the world has been going through in recent months, I just think to myself what everyone is probably already thinking, “Wow, while everything else has gone to […]
Okay Apple Hill “From the Core” hivemind! Now is your chance, or one of many (take your pick), to ask me questions! Please ask me what you want, anything from my childhood, musical journey, the life of a 2nd violinist, the faltered life of a “one-and-done” 1st violinist, orchestra auditions, chamber music, Apple Hill, K-pop, […]
*Note: Please know that I am not trying to stereotype or make fun of 2nd violinists. All this below is a true story, and one that hopefully inspires other violinists to become 2nds themselves! Some questions for you all before we dive in: #1: Raise your hand if you remember the first quartet concert you […]
Hello everyone! This is so extremely exciting for me! I would like to thank Amelia and Lenny right off the bat for letting me try this out! I am hoping that my words over the next while can be enlightening, inspiring, laughable or anything else in between! For those of you who do not know […]